Weeknotes #29, June 30th, 2023

We've had another week of excellent progress on the JRF project. We've spent a lot of time working on our geographical tree structure, which is important because it will be one of the main ways people navigate through the site. We are creating static web pages, but generating them dynamically based on a list of geographies we want to include. This sounds like a simple task, but it isn't when you consider the intricacies of UK geography (have a look at this infographic), and that each layer (think region, county, local authority and wards) may only have partial coverage. On top of that, UK geographies change each year, which makes everything at least twice as complicated. We've programmed this dynamically so that, in future, we should be able to extend our site's coverage to other parts of the U.K. as required. There are a few blog posts on the way talking about: U.K. geography and our approach on this project, the data challenges we have faced on the project so far.

Our last Open Data Saves Lives session was a huge success - if you missed it, the recording is here. We discussed the challenges of patient flow in hospitals, hearing from Kent & Medway FT, who are developing new models to keep track of demand and capacity, as well as Leeds City Council who are trialling a new remote monitoring service in the region. Read over the latest blog here. Our next session will be on the 13th September, speakers TBC - here is the link to register.

We've been working with LEEDS 2023 on a number of new projects, to showcase more data on their ongoing activities. We've added new pages to their Data Microsite, visualising data on their Partner, Promote and Signature event programmes, and began to collate their website analytics data to help guide their design decisions and programming. These pages are under active development and still a work in progress but we're delighted that LEEDS 2023 continue to make use of the Data Microsite in their operations and decision-making.

Lastly, most of the OI team are on holiday next week, so there won't be much output from us. A few people will be around to man the fort until our return!