Weeknotes #11, February 10th, 2023

Louis has been progressing with the data ethics project update and reaching out to people to get involved. He's published the first blog on the data and justice project outlining the concept of open justice, and enumerating our aims and objectives.

Michelle and Giles have spent quite a bit of time with Youth Futures Foundation. They attended and ran a session as part of a workshop with the YFFs cohort of partnerships in the Connected Futures programme. It was great to hear about the work of the various partnerships, and hopefully help them think about how they could use data to increase the impact of their critical work. Hot on the heels of this workshop, they had an excellent working session discussing and agreeing the scope of our next phase of work on the data microsite that we've built for YFF. Shaping up to be a really useful site for YFF.

Christian has been delving deeper into tax devolution, working through a few different distribution functions so we can recreate new and/or additional bandings with council tax on the fly from the excellent open Price Paid Data from the Land Registry (including backcasting how these would have had an effect historically). He's also extremely grateful to Giles for for being a coding buddy on a knotty recursive challenge for modelling up some stamp duty changes. Happily, Christian's off to Malta next week for some relaxation, but will be back with more on the tax devo story later in the month.

Giles developed the metadata catalogue concept that we're working on for the WYNCC LSIP project further to automatically[1] determine which columns are dimensions and which are facts, and to calculate the distribution of different types of fact so people reviewing the catalogue can start to get a feeling for the data.

The Warm Spaces finder has now got a new home at https://warm.open-innovations.org/.

Calderdale and TPX Impact have confirmed sponsorship for 2023. Paul also been talking to more people about economic dashboards. We'll soon need dashboards of dashboards to track them all!

In other news we notice that Google recently stopped their Federated Learning of Cohorts replacing it with Topics. We had an HTTP Permissions Header set up on our site - Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=() - to opt out of FLoc so we've updated this to opt out of Topics using Permissions-Policy: browsing-topics=() which just means that visitors to our main site using Chrome won't be opted-in to tracking by Google. However the new Topics API seems to think about privacy a bit more than previous proposals:

And finally, don't forget:

  • you can read all about our year in the 2022 Annual Review.
  • please get in touch if you're looking for a light, bright and airy space in central Leeds to host your workshop, meeting or event!

  1. well, mostly automatically ↩︎