Weeknotes #10, February 3rd, 2023

A bit of a short weeknote this week...

Christian has been working on our LSIP project with West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, and the data pipelines are now starting to appear on microsites thanks to the work of Giles. The prototype LSIP microsite currently presents a metadata catalogue describing the data we're collated. This looks like becoming a useful tool for all sorts of other purposes.

Christian has also been taking a look at Council Tax as part of our Tax Devolution work with the Northern Powerhouse Partnership. There'll be lots more to say on this next week but, if the engagement of a single tweet on this is anything to go by, there'll be lots of interest as more data crunching continues!

Paul has been speaking to a number of organisations that want to know more about telling data stories. He's also been chatting with National Trust about potential sponsorship to help them with their Urban Forest and Future Parks Accelerators.

The mists have been clearing on our exploration of the next phase of Youth Futures Foundation data microsite work. Much that could be done, but some priorities firming up. We're running a session at a workshop for their Connected Futures Fund cohort next week, which will help even further.

Following one of our regular side tracks at the start of daily check in, Stuart created this tool that shows the prevalence of patterns in place names in the Great Britain. This uses data from the Ordnance Survey to heatmap density.

Giles came across this brilliant (and slightly weird) implementation of the chromium browser in a terminal. Carbonyl is similar to the venerable Lynx browser, but actually does a good job of rendering video and image in ascii art. While this is a fun thing to do, there's a practical use. Access your data viz / image / video heavy site through this browser and see if there are improvements you can make to accessibility and presentation!

The Open Innovations homepage rendered by Carbonyl

Less seriously, we've all moved beyond ChatGPT, and are now obsessed with CatGPT. Meow!

And finally, don't forget:

  • you can read all about our year in the 2022 Annual Review.
  • please get in touch if you're looking for a light, bright and airy space in central Leeds to host your workshop, meeting or event!